「大阪帆船と国際交流の会」は、英文名称(英)Sail And International Link of Osaka略称をSAIL'O'(セイルオー)と言います。大阪市が1997年5月に大阪築港100周年を記念して『SAIL
OSAKA '97香港/大阪・国際帆船レース』を開催した際に集まった市民ボランティアの有志が集まり、船や海・港の魅力や国際交流の楽しさを伝えようと結成した団体です。主に帆船・客船の歓迎と国際交流事業を展開しています。将来的には様々なボランティア活動の経験を積み、国際大会や国際交流の場で、経験と節度あるボランティアを多数派遣できる団体になることを目指しています。
Sail And International Link of Osaka
SAIL'O' or Sail And International Link of Osaka is group of some 70 men
and women volunteers. Most of them served as volunteers during the SAIL
OSAKA '97 Tall Ship in the spring of 1997. Then 50 international ships
of sail and their crew camte to Osaka and 1.5 thousands people visited
the ships while they anchored in Osaka for over a week. Some 1,800 citizen
volunteers helped the crew and the visitors. They had both a wonderful
time and really unfotgettable experience in helping the visitors of many
different nationalities. The experience had lead some of them to form the
SAIL'O' group later to continue as volunteer to welcome ships calling Osaka
and to take part in the programmes of international exchange.